
Landshore® Enterprises, LLC, adheres to high engineering standards, ensure constant supervision and periodic inspections by an engineer. We invest in high quality materials and deploy industry-accepted construction methods to protect and serve our customers.  As such, we submit all permits for approval on behalf of our clients to relevant authorities.

In some instances, it may not be necessary to submit a permit to start a project. The permitting process requires thorough research of existing legal documents and established horizontal and vertical controls. If found that the proposed work will be the same as was originally permitted within plans signed and sealed by the original engineer (registered in the state and approved by agencies having jurisdiction), the permit process may be waived. However, all modifications do require permitting.

Projects which may require permitting:


Any warranty given without FEMA-approved risk calculations designed for specific events (100-year storm, flood elevation, hurricane), are associated with risks and are not recommended by Landshore®.  Because Landshore® deploys technical specifications, plans, cross sections, soil profiles and stability calculations developed by certified engineers, we are in a position to offer a one-year warranty on our workmanship and materials.  This excludes any failures determined by a forensic engineer as pre-existing conditions, clearly outside of the scope of work and contract agreed to by Landshore®. We do inspect all our work over time and offer maintenance programs pending the size and scope of various projects.