Must read!

As communities, golf courses and government entities undertake maintenance and shoreline restoration efforts of their stormwater management system, how to approach these challenges are not clearly defined. Greg Giles, News Editor of the Venice Gondolier, examines what steps were necessary for successful embankment repair projects.

Please see below for an excerpt from the Venice Gondolier:

“Collapsing ponds.”

It wasn’t until Ron Fazzalaro, president of the Waterford Master Owners Association, Inc., walked the banks of one of the stormwater ponds and lakes that he understood exactly what that meant, and the risk to himself and others in his community.

“There were two instances walking around the ponds where I stepped and sank a foot and a half into the ground,” Fazzalaro said. “The banks were not stable. I went down like a rock. I’m thinking you put a 75 year old or 80 year old out there walking their dog, he steps in this and falls and dies. The liability risk to the association was significant. Now that I knew about the problem, something had to be done.”

To read more, please follow this link to view the article: Waterford HOA shoreline restoration shows the way


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