When designing and developing a planned community, consideration is given to managing stormwater runoff to minimize flooding, erosion, and water quality issues. Stormwater management systems in planned communities, such as homeowners associations, community development districts, business parks, and shopping outlets, are designed to effectively collect, control, and treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces such as roads, sidewalks, rooftops, and parking lots. Understanding how these systems play a role in managing water runoff can help prevent costly repairs and mitigate future damage to infrastructure.
Here are some common components and practices of stormwater management systems in planned communities:
- Detention and Retention Basins: These are engineered basins or ponds designed to temporarily store excess stormwater runoff and release it at a controlled rate. Detention basins reduce peak flows and help prevent downstream flooding, while retention basins retain water for longer periods, allowing for groundwater recharge and the removal of pollutants.
- Swales and Bioswales: Swales are shallow, vegetated channels that collect and convey stormwater runoff. They promote infiltration and slow down the flow of water, allowing sediment and pollutants to settle. Bioswales are specially designed swales with vegetation that enhance pollutant removal and provide additional ecological benefits.
Feature: Erosion Control Tips for Drainage and Swales
- Permeable Pavement: Permeable pavement materials, such as permeable concrete or porous asphalt, allow stormwater to infiltrate through the surface into underlying layers. This helps to reduce runoff volume and improve groundwater recharge.
- Green Infrastructure: Planned communities may incorporate various green infrastructure practices, such as rain gardens, green roofs, and vegetated buffers, to manage stormwater runoff. These features help to capture and treat runoff, enhance infiltration, and promote natural processes for water management.
- Erosion Control Measures: Proper erosion control practices, such as erosion blankets, sediment basins, and stabilization techniques, are implemented to prevent erosion and sedimentation in areas susceptible to runoff. Continued erosion and sedimentation can reduce storage capacity, such as a lake or pond filling with sediments, and restrict outflows by way of pipe or outlet obstruction.
- Stormwater Conveyance Systems: Underground stormwater pipes, culverts, and channels are designed to collect and convey stormwater runoff to appropriate treatment and storage facilities. These conveyance systems are carefully engineered to ensure proper flow capacity and minimize erosion risks.
Feature: The Impact of Poor Drainage on Lake and Pond Shoreline Erosion
Stormwater management in planned communities is typically regulated by local government agencies and may be subject to specific guidelines and regulations. These regulations aim to protect water resources, prevent flooding, and ensure that stormwater runoff is adequately managed to minimize adverse impacts on the surrounding environment and neighboring communities.
It’s important to note that the specific stormwater management practices and infrastructure in planned communities can vary based on factors such as local regulations, site conditions, and the goals of the community developers. Professional engineers and environmental consultants are typically involved in the design and implementation of stormwater management systems in planned communities to ensure compliance with regulations and best practices.
How-to Guide: Maintaining Your Stormwater Management System (SWMS)
At Landshore®, our team of engineers is often tasked with ensuring the maintenance and continued upkeep of these stormwater management systems to meet design and regulation standards. Over time, these systems may degrade or experience inefficiency due to neglect. As a means to ensure continued operation and prevent costly repairs, Landshore® regularly inspects and provides maintenance repairs to ensure functionality.
Community Spotlight: Waterford Master Owners Association Full-Scale Repairs, including continued upkeep of entire stormwater management system
If you have any questions or concerns about your stormwater management system, we encourage you to reach out to Landshore. Our team of experts is ready to review your specific challenges and assist you in finding the best possible solutions. For more valuable insights and updates from our engineering team, be sure to follow us on our social media channels listed below. We look forward to connecting with you and helping you alleviate your stormwater management system problems for your property.